
Life is hard, Sean has been the headlights in the fog, the pilot with the 1,000 foot view to help me navigate my life’s path, the wise Yoda to help me realize my God given talents to become the Master Jedi I am meant to be. Since meeting with him regularly I have been communicating with my wife better and strengthening our marriage, my goals in business have been clearly defined with a plan to execute, and I have found myself again, finding new passions and reigniting old ones. Sean’s not a therapist or some self-proclaimed Guru, he’s a real dude, that has real life experience, and a truly caring soul to help people.”

— Nick

“Thank you for giving me a foundation to work with. When I felt like everything was falling apart you reminded me that is what I feel now. I couldn’t have found where I am now without realizing there was a different perspective and that those feeling were temporary.”

— Doug

“I feel lighter every time I walk out of the session. I enjoy and feel so energized afterwards

I am extremely fulfilled by our sessions and look forward to each one.”
